Well, I said I’d go back when the weather was better, and two weeks later I did.

Two weeks ago, blinded by curiosity, I ventured to Cregagh Glen for the first time since I was at school, to take in a walk and get some photos.

Timebound, it was only a short walk, terminating at the entrance at Manse Road, but I still managed to get a lot of photos and take in a lot of sights. However, there was still a lot more I wanted to do and see.

With a heatwave over the past weekend, this was the perfect opportunity, so I set out early morning, entering at the entrance at the top of Cregagh Road.

Despite the increased amount of daylight to work with, I wasn’t particularly happy with the photos as a lot of it was blocked out by the trees, so it didn’t worked as I hoped.

When I reached the crossroad, I ventured into the War Cemetery (as explained in my previous post, it’s no longer a Cemetery and all the bodies have been removed, but nobody bothered to change the name) for a walk.

There wasn’t much to it, just lots of grass, which is handy if you want to relax or have a picnic (tidying up after yourself of course) in the sunshine. If you are interested, there is a memorial stone at the very top of the field to commemorate that it was a former cemetery.

Having walked past it on the Rocky Road, it was good to get a chance to explore it.

The real appeal to visit came when you looked out at the spectacular views over Belfast. You can see Cavehill, Belfast Docks, as well as Samson and Goliath.

From there, I headed back into Cregagh Glen and carried on walking. When I reached the tunnel that leads to the Manse Road entrance, I didn’t go that way and took the other option. What an inspired decision that turned out to be.

I walked and I walked and kept on walking, eventually ending up on Lisnabreeny Hill, and managing to stare at an even more spectacular view of Belfast

As with my recent visits to Blackmountain and Cavehill, I encountered cows on my journey, although they were too busy enjoying water and grass to moo at me.

It was an area well worth exploring. I’m slightly annoyed at myself for not going there more often.

As mentioned in my Cavehill blog which precedes this, I’m looking at other places to go and walk and photograph.

If you have any suggestions for areas in Greater Belfast to walk up, do leave a comment. For reference, I drive, but I like to park in proper parking spaces. Being a road blocking dick isn’t my vibe.

Sometimes if you’re feeling curious and wanted to explore something a bit more, you get rewarded. This was one of those occasions.

Photo Album

Cregagh Glen – July 2020


  1. Pingback: 2020 IN PICTURES – AUGUST | Analogue Boy In A Digital World

  2. Pingback: CREGAGH GLEN/LISNABREENY HILL – JULY 2021 | Analogue Boy In A Digital World

  3. Pingback: LISNABREENY HILL – AUGUST 2022 | Analogue Boy In A Digital World

  4. Pingback: LISNABREENY HILL – NOVEMBER 2022 | Analogue Boy In A Digital World

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